Check Out How Artificial Intelligence Will Impact Our Everyday Lives
Technology is moving ahead at a great speed and this has clearly helped us to gain power over our lives than what we had in early 1990s. For decades artificial intelligence was that technology which we saw taking shape through fascinating applications in Hollywood movies and now things have changed, AI has now turned out to be a reality and is in the process of doing more. It is said that over last few years scientists have been working on machine learning and now they have breakthroughs by using neural networks where it is said that these networks mimics what real neurons do.
This is a process called as deep learning which helps the machines to understand and process information at another level and with this they can perform complex functions. The AI development process is now getting sped up with Big data and so based on that in the coming future we will see more of AI technology integration into the daily lives. Even though much of this technology is at its basic level, it is expected that AI will have fairly good impact on the everyday lives. Read also,
How can Artificial Intelligence (AI) be beneficial for business
Top ways in which artificial intelligence is expected to impact our everyday lives are:
Automated Transportation
We have started to witness self-driving cars but such kind of cars currently has a driver on the wheels to ensure safety on roads. The technology is in its development phase and is not completely perfect to be used yet and moreover, it will take some more time to get accepted by the public and used more on the roads. It was in 2012 that Google came up with testing self-driving car and now other vehicles like buses and trains are moving towards full automation.
Cyborg Technology
As humans, the only limitations that we face are due to the bodies and brains we have. In the future we will be able to improve the natural abilities of our bodies and brains by augmenting ourselves with computers. It is expected that much of such advancements will be focused on adding convenience while the others will serve more of a practical purpose. By leveraging AI it will become easy for the people with amputated limbs to connect and communicate with robotic limbs through brain and have more control over the robots and lives. Such kind of advanced cyborg technology will help to reduce the limitations faced by people with amputated limbs to a greater extent.
Getting Dangerous Jobs Done
Robots have started to take control over different dangerous jobs across the world like defusing the bombs. Technically they are not robots rather we can say that they are drones which are used in place of humans to diffuse bombs. Such drones are now controlled by humans instead of giving control to AI. Such solutions have helped to save a lot of lives and in the future we will see that there will be more of AI integration into it to ensure machines function well.
Other areas where robots are now used is welding, say for example. The ear splitting noise it makes, toxic substance it produces along with intense heat makes things difficult for humans. By outsourcing robots for welding it will become possible to ensure safety measures at the workplace and humans can stay away from such threats.
Artificial intelligence is said to have good influence over businesses and it is said to cover major industries. Some of the benefits of artificial intelligence for businesses have been mentioned in this blog post.
What actually artificial intelligence has in store for us is not known but it is clear that AI will soon become part of everyday lives of people through increased interactions. Such interactions will evolve the society in terms of automation and make our lives better through different and effective applications.
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