How to Convert Flash to HTML5
How to Convert Flash to HTML5

How to Convert Flash to HTML5

Arjun S.
3 min readJan 18, 2021

Over the last decade, our business world has drastically changed due to the advent of technology. As a business owner, you know the importance of developing quick loading websites that are secure, mobile responsive, and SEO friendly. These factors are a must to create high performing websites. Hence, you have a website or web app-based business; it’s imperative for you to avail of Flash to HTML5 services and convert from Flash to HTML5.

Since most of the major browsers like internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome have stopped using Flash, most companies plan Flash to HTML conversion. Besides, HTML drastically improves the user experience and directly affects your company’s image. The initial effort might be time-consuming and expensive but would pay you in the longer run. In this article, I’ll enumerate how to convert Flash to HTML5.

Plan thoroughly and in advance

Flash conversion is a time-consuming process. It becomes even more time-consuming when you have a sizeable chunk of content to be converted. Hence, you need to be well prepared from day one. Have a detailed road map to start the work. It’ll help you eliminate any potential contingencies and roadblocks, and you’ll be able to move ahead with the process smoothly. Plus, you also have to be mentally prepared as the process can take up to a few months, depending on the quantity of content you need to convert.

Keep a tab on the updation

Flash to HTML5 conversion involves many updates. Getting your entire content online is an amazing opportunity. You can update outdated content, eliminate hiccups, repurpose web pages, optimize messages, and revive articles. If you put time and offer into these things, you will definitely get a state-of-the-art web presence.

But, in the process, you ought to take into account the Digital Rights Management guidelines. If your media requires authentication, you must tag the necessary DRM and authentication mechanisms. It’s always better to plan in advance to provide your users with the best experience.

Use Flash to HTML5 conversion tools

Use dedicated flash conversion tools Adobe Captivate, Lectora Inspire, Adobe Wallaby, Google Swiffy, Sothink. Along with that, extract all the media and content from the existing website and copy the text and GUI in the MS office and PPT.

Related: Tips to Convert Flash to HTML5 that will help your business

Use the right approach

There are two ways to migrate from Flash to HTML5. Choosing the right approach is crucial to make the process an overall success and add value to your business. Before you begin with Flash to HTML5 conversion, you need to keep in mind that there are two types of Flash apps — one developed with Adobe Flash Professional and the other developed with Flex SDK.

For websites and web apps created with Adobe Flash Professional, you can use Adobe Animate to convert your web apps and websites to HTML5. However, this is a quick-fix approach, and no framework is implemented on the HTML5. This approach is useful only when you don’t need to prioritize your website or web app for the future, as the expansion time is limited.

If you want to expand the app and add more features, you need to rewrite it in a HTML5 framework, and for this, you can use Flex SDK. You’ll take more time to rewrite the app, but this way you’ll have much control over your app. Plus, you can add additional features and expand your app as and when you need. You can also seek Flash to HTML5 conversion services.

Summing Up

In the dynamic technological paradigm, it becomes more crucial than ever to convert from Flash to HTML5. You gain speed, better accessibility, higher security, and opportunities to grow your brand. Flash conversion may look complicated to many people, so we have enumerated the best practices to do so. Flash will be gone forever by the end of 2020, so it’s imperative for you to convert to HTML5.

You may also like to read:

Convert Flash to HTML5, The End of Adobe Flash in 2020



Arjun S.
Arjun S.

Written by Arjun S.

A Technology Enthusiast. Blogger & Author by passion. Whether you talk about passion or profession, by both I am a tech writer!

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